Where There is Resistance There is Suffering

Where there is resistance, there is suffering. When we are aware of the suffering of someone else, or in ourselves, without opening to it fully first, in neutrality, we strengthen the polarity.
There is a misconception that if you open to a different point of view, you are somehow agreeing or condoning it. It is not natural to look at torture or abuse or radical views in any kind of open way. We watch and have been taught to flow our energy into a stance; for or against; straight into the mind to inform you whose fault it was; how wrong it is, comparison and judgment.
And all this is happening. It is. I’m not in any way suggesting the suffering in its various forms is not happening. I’m not suggesting action is or is not needed.

But deeper than the outward events, which are being responded to seemingly externally, is the suffering itself, which is asking to be looked at inwardly.

When you can look and take it in without the mind, meaning any resistance, the stories and blame fade into the useless polarities which serve only resistance itself, and as that resistance drops, we are in a field of oneness.

The polarity is actually used as a tool to create the pain until one can fully open to it. So it does have a use. There was a moment, in writing this, where I, feeling the energy of resistance from my own words of polarity being useless, opened to the energy of polarity, and in doing so found its service and devotion to oneness.
These are the subtle veils of resistance. I am simultaneously amazed at the layers of my own resistance and grateful for their teachings.
That oneness holds all; can hold the pain, can hold the polarity, can hold the love, can hold the space for that openness to be truly felt.

To me, that is true healing. Arising from that space, action moves, whether fierce or delicate, consciously.


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