On Positive Thinking…


We are constantly exposed to a mass market addiction of quick and instant feel-better techniques that penetrate only skin deep; never quite creating the long lasting relief from the thinking itself. Why does it not work? The thinking or the thoughts are not the issue, so they will never ever be solved there.

The Facts: Yes, choosing a higher-vibrating, good-feeling thought is positive, is expansive and connects and attracts you to that vibration. But if you are being “told” or “taught” to dismiss your more contractive or negative thoughts to a positive one instantly, what you are doing is repressing and creating a shame, a wrongness and a deeper entrenchment in the polarity of positive/negative.

To engage in a “corrective” positive thought, which is not authentic, is a subtle form of self-shaming, so that corrective positive thought is vibrating in chaos. To transcend the paradox (and ultimate exhausting prison) of good/bad is to see through both sides of the thought: the positive and the negative.

To be able to achieve that, you must get underneath the thought, through processes of self-inquiry, and see where the thought has originated and examine it.

Being available, accountable and conscious to that thought form is the catalyst to relieve you of its inherent polarity. And only then will you be able to resonate with a higher vibrational reality.


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